Mid-November is a beautiful time to explore East Texas. Instead of date night, Kristy and I also made it a date day. We visited exciting locations like Caddo Lake, ate great food, visited remarkable small towns, and took in the culture of the entire area.
So many places in the United States are underrated for various reasons. I'd say that East Texas is one of those regions.

Canon R5, canon 70-200mm lens, 1/5000 sec. @ f4, ISO 800

Iphone 13 Max, Hipstatmatic App, Loftus Lens, Uchitel 20 film

Iphone 13 Max, Hipstatmatic App, Matty ALN Lens, Black Keys film

Iphone 13 Max, Hipstatmatic App, Loftus Lens, Uchitel 20 film

Iphone 13 Max camera

Iphone 13 Max camera

Iphone 13 Max, Hipstatmatic App, Matty ALN lens, Black Keys film

Iphone 13 Max, Hipstatmatic App, Matty ALN Lens, Black Keys film

Iphone 13 Max camera

Iphone 13 Max, Hipstatmatic App, Matty ALN Lens, Black Keys film