As I write this, I'm about to head out on a photography trip. This time, it's for fun, not work. However, no matter why I travel with my camera, my approach to packing my gear is always the same: It's systematic, it's logical (I think), and it's repeatable, no matter the trip.
The key to packing for a photography trip or a nature photography workshop (or any trip) is having a flexible process: a process for what gear you'll take, a process for what clothes you'll take, and a process for how it all goes together. This flexibility allows you to adapt to different trip scenarios and personal preferences.
If you find getting ready for a trip stressful and anxiety-ridden, this may help.
As you watch these videos, you'll see that I have a three-bag process for bringing everything from a tripod, computer, big lenses, all my clothes, and camera gear. It's a simple and efficient system. One bag gets checked, my cameras and lenses are carry-on bags, and my computer is a personal item. It all works seamlessly.
It starts, however, with a checklist. If you don't have the Nature Photography Checklist, you can head back to the Hackberry Farm homepage, wait for the pop-out, enter your email address, and you'll get an instant download.